Life is a journey.
Our world is constantly changing, and we are with it. To remain stagnant is to be left behind or stuck in the past. This can feel challenging, isolating, and frustrating. It may feel safe because it is what you know, however we are here to grow, and change is inevitable.
We are a filament of the universe, forever expanding, evolving, whilst remaining true to our individuality.
Our journey in this life is to explore and understand. This may entail internal or external understanding…our lives, our flora and fauna, our planet, our universe, our belief systems, all provide a rich basis in which to begin.
Maintaining our sense of personal identity during times of change can feel difficult, yet it is through these times that we receive the greatest gifts for personal growth. It is in these times that we are placed onto the spiritual staircase where our true growth begins, and this begins at birth.
So, how does it work?
We are spiritual beings on a physical journey, and many of us are craving to be a spiritual being on a spiritual journey. The dichotomy is, we are here to bring heaven to Earth…to walk a spiritual path (being kind to one another, honour others with respect and enabling others to evolve on their soul journeys) whilst experiencing all that a physical life has to offer. Simply put, evolve our life and ways of thinking that honours and respects all. This sounds idealistic, doesn’t it?
Meshing the two can be…interesting.
At first, our natural focus extends outwards, feeling judgemental and overwhelmed towards humanity, the world and chaos that resides here. The pain and suffering that seems to be ongoing. It’s all too much. We may not be able to repair all that we see, however we can begin with ourselves and the way we proceed in life, the way we engage with others, research, and understand, teach, and inspire…evolve.
One filament carries enough light to guide the way, and it is up to you how you use your Light.
Imagine how bright a group of filaments can shine?
Let’s take a look at the steps of the spiritual staircase and see if you can relate to where you currently reside.
Steps of the Spiritual Staircase
Step 1 Foundation
From birth our foundation is being laid down, from our environment, social connections, belief systems and how we experience the world through our childhood eyes.
Step 2 Seeking Individuality
This often occurs during our teenage years although depending on our foundation step, we may land on step 2 earlier or later than our teens. Seeking individuality appears in our life when we are prepared to step up and out as individuals. This is a conscious urge rather than a reactive one. This step also involves developing ourselves as individuals based on those around us, such as parents, friends, mentors. For some, step 2 may be an easy and natural progression from step 1 (building on their foundation) or a huge adjustment step where every aspect of step 1 is challenged. The end result is the same – seeking the answer to ‘who am I?
Step 3 The Outer World Beckons
Listening to the calling of the outer world and our place in it usually occurs two to three years after we enter step 2. This step calls to us when we desire to find our mission in life, the career or community service we can offer, the relationships we want, the mentors we seek and the subjects we wish to explore. For some this is an exciting step and for others, not so much. Step 3 also includes merging our individual identities with the activities and expectations of those around us. It is possible to remain on this step for years without climbing further.
Step 4 The Challenge
At some stage in our life, we are presented with ‘the challenge’. This defining step is the ‘growth gift’ packaged up in upheaval. An exam from the Universe to test our development to date has arrived. It may present in the form of an accident, health crisis, loss of a loved one, job loss, financial challenge, difficult family dynamic, sudden relocation, or spiritual crisis. When this occurs, we turn inward to reassess and ask the following questions -are we still happy with our foundations? Are they still relevant in our life? Has our personal identity shifted? Are we more than our career? Have we carved a new path, or maybe it was forced upon us? Have our family dynamics changed, or do we now reside in another country? Have we altered our faith or suddenly need to redirect our focus due to an emergency? What is my role now my family have grown up?
The Challenge step is the curveball, often unplanned and extending you beyond your comfort zone. It is a time for reflection and reassessing, and many remain on this step for some time before continuing the climb and selecting the next step to take.
Step 5 Higher Perspective
The exam from the Universe is designed to shift us, and it does. We emerge with a different or fresh perspective than we had in step 3. At this step, we have renovated our foundations, updated, or modernised them to support who we are now, often with a renewed maturity. Understanding has been gained through this challenge process, both mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Your soul celebrates this new awareness, and your personal vibration increases as a result. You are evolving.
If by chance you feel the exam in step 4 was overwhelming and you struggled through the process, you may find yourself easing back into step 3, comfortable and safe. A time to replenish and recover. It is important not to rest on your laurels however because an exam is ahead therefore prepping for another unexpected shift would be wise.
Step 6 Deeper Understanding, Higher Appreciation
The desire to seek deeper understanding with higher appreciation and wonderment is at hand. Step 6 invokes a sense of calmness and inner knowing that all is well, even during changes out of your control. There is a deep peace that coats your foundations, enabling an ease to reassess your foundations at will, rather than when you are forced to. Time has less meaning here; life’s pressures are present yet prioritised differently. Love feels more expansive. Attachments to things and people even feel different. Life breathes around you and you are one with the breath.
Step 7 The Higher Spiral
When this step is reached, we revisit steps 1-5 from a higher vibrational vantage point, from renewed foundations through to emerging with a heightened perspective. We integrate this growth once more through step 6 and continue repeating this pattern for as long as we are able, forever climbing, refining, and evolving our soul.
Where do you feel you are currently at? Are you prepared for your next exciting step?
Enjoy the climb, the view is fine x