Lightworker…what a beautiful word. It first graced our world in the 1980’s and enabled a sector of humanity to define who they were and why they felt the way they did. It provided a pathway or roadmap to a side of them that was unable to align to mainstream thinking at that time.
Simply, a lightworker is someone who feels the enate desire to help others. They could often be found looking after and assisting others in their personal and professional roles.
Yet, lightworkers had an extra element to them that set them apart from others, and that was they were more sensitive, intuitive, and unconditional in their caring. They always placed others before themselves regardless of the energetic cost to themselves. Not all lightworkers perceive themselves as spiritual, even if they possess or can identify with some of these traits. This is because it is a soul expression rather than a physical journey for some.
Lightworkers often represent specific roles and specialise in their field of expertise, by default rather than choice. The most common ones are-
Light Warrior – they stand up and go into battle for what they feel is right for humanity and the planet.
Light Warriors are passionate once they find their calling and indigo children can often be found in this group. They can often question and challenge information that they feel is ‘out of date’ or ‘unfair’ and this starts at a young age. Their motive is to understand rather than to create unrest to bring truth and authenticity back into the world. It is important that Light Warriors be aware of their energy levels as they tend to experience periodic burn out.
Light Protector – they feel drawn towards helping the underdog and those who need protecting for periods of time. This group is also referred to as Gatekeepers.
Light Protectors range from shielding people from negative experiences through to educating how individuals can do this for themselves.
Light Infuser- Light Infusers are rays of sunshine throwing fairy dust everywhere. They desire to infuse positivity and light where they see darkness and negativity. They are very sensitive and can read energetic vibrations around people and environments. These people can lift the mood of others and free up blocked and limiting mindsets. They are mental/emotional healers.
Light Holder – These lightworkers often present as gentle and kind people. Rather than holding the spotlight, they prefer to stand in the background.
The role of a Light Holder is to hold the space or be the eye of the storm. They are the ones who are neutral when drama unfolds, the ones who have clarity when others are in confusion. They offer sound advice for those who are seeking it and will never interfere when a situation gets heated as they have an inner respect for everyone’s individual journey in life. Don’t underestimate these people though, underneath their often calm and quiet demeanour, exists an inner strength and resilience that has been forged through many lifetimes.
Light Messenger – Light Messengers can connect to spiritual realms and relay and/ translate information for those who are in need. These individuals are light encoded at birth to do this work and may begin at an early age or be activated/jump started as a result of an accident or event.
Due to this internal light encoding, Light Messengers are also innately aware of the deep responsibility they have towards others and the Universal Laws they need to follow to be ethically aligned.
Light Healer – Light Healers are inspired to first and foremost heal. They may find their calling healing
- People (babies, children, teens, adults, elderly) through mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual means
- Animals (to rescue, repair injuries, support, protect, energy work, nurture, and train)
- Planet Earth (environmentalism, recycling, gardening, and planting, energy work)
- Lost souls (present and past)
- Spiritual/energetic healing
Light Explorer – these lightworkers are most prevalent in dream state and meditative state. They are astral travellers at night and often wake the next day feeling like they have done a full day’s work.
The purpose for their exploring is to expand their soul knowledge through other dimensions and activate that inspiration in their present life. In some cases, they assist lost souls whilst in dream state. Light Explorers are prone to energy leakage (dimensional travel can be taxing) and are wise to take time for regular energy rebalancing.
Light Reflector – these lightworkers offer a unique, subconscious ability to others. However, this ability sometimes isn’t appreciated by others until later, leaving the Light Reflector feeling isolated or rejected. Yet this ability is providing soul and personal growth to those they encounter. A Light Reflector is an old soul light worker.
What is this ability? To mirror what an individual projects, therefore showing them what they need to improve or remove to rebalance their lives.
For the recipient, this reveal can be freeing or confronting. Depending on which it is, the Light Reflector may feel dejected or joyful.
Light Reflectors often play ‘devil’s advocate’ providing the opposite view in a discussion rather than agreeing with the consensus.
The aim of this process for the Light Reflector is to awaken self-analysation and awareness with the individual or individuals they are engaging with at the time.
Lightwalker…in 2005, Archangel Michael introduced me to this spiritual terminology, Lightwalker, accompanied with the explanation that “humanity will be evolving as you move forward. Although you will continue to celebrate your individualities as lightworkers, honouring your unique abilities, you will also be moving towards an aspect of unity. Unity within yourselves and a Higher Consciousness.”
Lightwalker – can hold their light, with unconditional clarity and compassion, as they move through this world. They can connect heaven to earth – higher consciousness connection and expression and ground it for others to experience. Resilience is their training ground, for they will become the pillars of light and hope for future generations.
Lightwalkers exist quietly amongst us, they are wise, balanced souls. They may express a quiet yet assured demeanour that has been earned rather than acquired. You may discover this lightwalker within the eyes of a child, or a grandparent, or maybe…you are one yourself.
In future blogs, I will update you with any further information Archangel Michael adds on this topic.