Welcome to December’s blog. This is the perfect opportunity to summarise the energetic processes of 2023, and what it means for you moving towards 2024.
Let’s time travel back to January 2023. As New Years Eve rolled over into 2023, Archangel Michael indicated that as human beings, we would evolve through the powerful, energetic experiences of this year. In summary, we would be different people by the end of the year, than we were entering it. This growth process would encourage us to dive deep into our thoughts, emotions and even core values, to reassess and review if our life path is on track or if an area of our life is no longer serving us.
This also involves connection, to ourselves, with others and with God/Source/The Universe/Divinity (however and whoever you resonate with).
We all require some time to pause and breathe however, the energy of this year trained us to be ‘skilled deep divers in holding our breath’. So many people felt challenged and needed to review their identity in some form, because of the experiences they encountered this year.
For some, they lost loved ones and their relationship or connection to that person altered their identity to themselves or with others, in some form.
They may have changed their professional identity or even their country of residence. The shift may have been through a health crisis or experiencing a joyous occasion such as discovering (or rediscovering) friendship, love, growing their family or even rediscovering their passion.
These shifts in life ‘are normal’ I hear you say, so what made this year so challenging and poignant?
The cluster effect.
Personal resilience can withstand a challenge here and there, with normalcy either side, however when those waves of change continue to impact you in quick succession, and keep on coming, that can generate overwhelm, exhaustion, sadness and even a sense of detachment and a need to escape life. How well you managed this year is determined by how strong your resilience has become.
This year was made up into eight core stages.
- Awareness of repeated patterns from the past, that you are ready to understand or alter in order to evolve.
- Highlighted awareness of issues, blocks, or limitations that are limiting your progress in life moving forward. This may include low self-worth, fear, or social anxiety.
- Working through a deep self-review for the purpose of refining or rediscovering yourself.
- Understanding and applying processes of surrender and release that support your wellbeing (including forgiveness and reestablishing personal boundaries).
- Identifying and creating new patterns and pathways to support yourself both on a personal level and when engaging with others.
- Integration and rest/recovery. All new information needs to be integrated and understood to achieve results.
- Reevaluating Priorities. Are you giving out too much or not enough? Do you have a work/life imbalance? Do you know what makes you happy or brings joy to your life?
- Exploring the unknown through the experiences of the new you. This can involve courage. Even a butterfly needs to test its wings in a new environment and view the world from a different perspective after its rebirth from a caterpillar.
These core stages impacted people physically, mentally, and emotionally. How about spiritually?
This is where personal growth was extensive and yet, also unmeasurable. Spirituality and energy go hand in hand, and many people were either energetically drained or invigorated this year. This became a powerful gauge in a person’s stage of enlightenment.
It revealed how they were responding to their progress, how they viewed the world and managed events currently occurring in their life, to name a few.
As we grow spiritually, wisdom and compassion become an important part of that process and emerge naturally as a result. There is a wisdom in deciphering how best to allocate one’s time and energy for the best outcome, expressing empathy rather than sympathy towards others (enabling all people involved to feel supported whilst still maintaining a sense of empowerment), seeking the big picture before making decisions rather than being swept up in drama or lack of information before making key decisions.
Sensitivity also played a role. We experienced heightened sensitivity physically, emotionally, and mentally. Many people isolated themselves, ‘ghosted’ others or experienced constant overwhelm. Spiritually, this played out where empathic or clairsentient abilities awakened or heightened, enabling people to feel, detect or even take on the energies of others as their own. Visionary abilities also came to the fore, experiencing stronger messaging through dreams, noticing synchronicities, manifesting with ease, feeling/sensing an internal closure that ‘was meant to be’ followed by a huge wave of peace. All of these processes created, renewed, or strengthened the bond between these individuals and their divinity.
So, you can appreciate that the cluster effect impacted all levels of our being and that is A LOT of shifting this year.
There is a higher reason for the extreme teaching of this year, and that is to bring you back or guide you towards your Inner Sanctum, your Inner Truth, your Authentic Self.
Can you relate to any or all of these on a personal level? How are you managing through this process?
As we reach the end of 2023, spiced with its many teachings, our reward is a new sense of personal resilience, a deeper awareness of ourselves (and others), and stronger connections, with a side serving of fatigue.
As you have guessed, as we learn, we grow, and new opportunities arise as a result. What you have gained this year will support you, open doors and expand your consciousness to further heights.
In my next blog, I will read the energy of 2024 and provide some guidance that will help you make the most of what next year brings.
If you need further understanding of your personal journey of spiritual awakening, with a confidential session, you can book here.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and the opportunity to create many treasured memories.
Until next year, take care,
Glenys x